A Process Based Approach

Healthcare & Life Sciences
Recruitment Specialist

Employer Needs

To understand the role, job description and the 'type' of candidate fit for the role

Continuous Support

Pharmakia provides consistent support at every step to both employer and candidates

Long term partnership

We view our daily work as a way of building long lasting transparent relationships


A Step By Step Process

Our Recruitment Process

When working with Pharmakia a specialist recruitment consultant will be assigned to your placement, with the primary objective of understanding your needs and presenting a clear step by step process for the workflow. We are aware that every employer we help is different, and therefore concentrate our effort to tailor an exact solution fit to your needs and wishes. Below is a typical framework that we follow to assist an employer.

Clients First

As a specialist in the healthcare and life sciences sector our first priority is to understand your needs in relation to the candidate. This is a free and non-obligatory initial discussion that is engaged through a simple call, where we can brain storm the job description, potential candidate and assess other vacancies if there is a need. In addition, we’ll explore your corporate culture in relation to the ‘type’ of candidate that can be a perfect fit for the role and your company. Ultimately our intention is to understand you, and the traits a candidate ought to possess for the role offering your company the greatest value.

Candidate Selection

The Pharmakia Group deploys a wide range of interviewing techniques during the candidate selection. The structure of interviews is usually agreed with you prior to interviewing begins, while reference checking, psychometric and aptitude testing can also be utilized.

Shortlist & Summary

Subsequent to the initial talent selection, your dedicated recruitment consultant will present a shortlist of the most likely candidates, or a summary of the best match. Both shortlist and best match candidate are presented based on years of work experience, skills, personality traits and qualifications. Here, truly what we seek is a win-win for both candidates and employers, this we view as an absolute must to talent retention.

Interviewing Candidate

Once you have selected the candidate, you will have an opportunity to interview the candidate and to assess if they are a fit for the role and the company.

Candidate Acceptance

Consequent to a successful interview, your dedicated recruitment consultant will assist and lead the negotiation between you and your selected candidate. At this stage our focus is also to ensure both candidate and employer reach a middle ground of win-win, where suitable remuneration is agreed on to ensure smooth integration.

Post Candidate Placement

Once the placement has been agreed on and deemed a success, your Pharmakia recruitment consultant will continue engaging you as part of our commitment to continuously improve our service line.

Our Recruitment Process Pharmakia Group Healthcare & Life Sciences Jobs Recruitment https://Pharmakiagroup.com

Life Sciences Specialist Recruitment

Why Pharmakia Talent Acquisition Services?

Pharmakia is exclusively focused on the healthcare and life sciences.

Our talent acquisition and recruitment team engage in direct and continuous communication with both employers and candidates at every stage of placement fulfillment process.

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Our Recruitment Process